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Wizi App Referral Code: 2HCSYO | Signup and Get Rs. 50

wizi app referral code 1

wizi app referral code 1

Wizi App Referral Code: 2HCSYO | Signup and Get Rs. 50: Hello Guys, Today we are again present in front of you with a new offer by an app called Wizi. Wizi app is basically an AI-based credit card management application offered by a Chennai-based start-up known as Acsz Technologies. Now, Wizi is in its initial launch stage so it’s offering Rs. 50 to the new signup users.

Also for referring wizi app to friends you will get straight Rs. 50. The amount you get can be used to pay your upcoming credit card bill. Hence, The referral amount of 50 rupees is equivalent to 50 rupees cash.

Wizi App Referral Code: 2HCSYO

How to Signup on Wizi and get Rs. 50?

Step 1: Download the Wizi app: Download Wizi

Step 2: Enter the phone number and verify the OTP

Step 3: Enter your first name, last name and email

Step 4: Enter the Refer code: 2HCSYO

Must enter the refer code to get Rs. 50 signup bonus

Step 5: Now add your credit card and done!

You will get your Rs. 50 signup bonus on your next credit card bill payment. That you can completely use to pay your bills.

How to Refer and Earn on Wizi App?

Step 1: Goto wizi app and go to the profile section

Step 2: Now click on “Refer a friend”

wizi referral code

Step 3: Copy the refer code and share it with your friend and family

For each person who joins with your refer code, you will get Rs. 50 and also the signup user will get Rs. 50. The amount gets credited on their next credit card bill payment.

Features Wizi app Provides

Credit card Score

You can check your credit score with the wizi app anytime. It will help you to analyze your financial trustworthiness.

AI-Enabled Transaction Alert

For each of your transaction’s wizi app will tell you how your credit score is going to be affected.

Highly Secure

Wizi app uses 256-bit end to end encryption technology for its transactions. 256-bit encryption is considered to be one of the most secure encryption methods in the current technology world.

Wide Card and Bank Support

Currently, the Wizi app supports more than 400 credit cards across 22+ banks in India.

Bottom Line – Wizi App Referral Code

Currently, the wizi app is only available for android phone users, but it will be soon launched to apple uses as well.

For the current scenario, the wizi app has got around 10k installs from the play store and around 7.5k active users.

Wizi app seems very similar to the cred app, which people really enjoy. The additional feature currently wizi provides is AI-enabled transaction alert. Hope we get new innovative features like this in the upcoming future as well.

Thank you for reading this article on Wizi App Referral Code. For more money-making articles like this please visit our Earn Money section.

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