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Enable Care & Vibrating Heart Reactions on Facebook & Messenger

Facebook Care React

Facebook Care React

Enable Care & Heart Reactions on Facebook & Messenger

Enable Care & Heart Reactions on Facebook & Messenger: We all know this a very hard time for everyone due to the coronavirus pandemic. Everyone is quarantined in their homes, separated from their beloved friends and relatives. The only place to meet them is online. This may unstabilize the emotional and mental health.

Taking these points in mind, The global social jargon facebook took his step ahead. Facebook has launched a new ‘Care‘ reactions on his Messenger and Facebook Platforms. Facebook said, new care reaction will help people to express their intimate love and support during this pandemic time. Facebook also modified its default heart reaction to a ‘Vibrating Heart‘ reaction. The vibrating heart reaction is available on messenger in addition to the default heart reaction.

How to Get Care Reaction on Facebook

The Messenger(App by Facebook) used to offer seven reaction emojis which are Love, Wow, Haha, Angry, Sad, thumbs up, and thumbs down. But recently, Messenger has added one new Pulsating or Vibrating Heart reaction emoji, In addition to the default red heart emoji. You can swap these two types of emoji to use during chats. Surely, with the new pulsating or vibrating heart emoji, you can show more emotion and love to your family and friends during chats.

Along with the above update on Messenger, Facebook also added a new Care/Hug or Cuddle emoji reaction. Since 2016 facebook only have six reactions namely: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry. Now, this care emoji has been introduced as the seventh reaction by Facebook available on both the Facebook app and website. This new care emoji has a cute face cuddling/hugging a heart. Users can use this new care emoji to react on images, posts, comments, as well as videos.

How to Get Vibrating Heart Reaction on Messenger?

For using the new heart reaction on Facebook messenger, you need to swap it with the original one. Follow the below easy steps to get vibrating heart reaction on messenger:-

  1. Open your desired chat conversation page and locate the message you want to react
  2. Tap and hold on the message
  3. In the opened emoji set, tap and hold again, on heart emoji
  4. Now, Click on Use Updated Heart
How to Get Vibrating Heart Reaction on Messenger

Uhoou! Use this reaction vibrating heart reaction to show your deep love

You can also swap to the original red heart react by following the same above steps.

Official Announcement Tweet By Facebook

Below is the official Tweet by Facebook about the announcement of new care and vibrating heart emoji.

How to Get Care Reaction on Facebook?

Facebook Care Reaction/Hug Reaction is an emoji hugging a heart with a very cute and loving smile. This care reaction has been already rolled out by Facebook, But, It is being updated slowly for everyone.

Enable Care Reaction on Facebook

This new care emoji by Facebook is currently available for Facebook beta users only. If you want, you can easily join the beta program of the Facebook app on either android or iOS by following their simple procedures. It may take upto a week to be fully activated it for all Facebook users. Till then, be patient and stay safe!


Now Care reaction is almost available for everyone in all countries where Facebook operates. You just need to update your Facebook app to the latest available update from the play store or app store. If you are using Facebook through the website, just do a hard refresh (ctrl + shift + R).

Bottom Line

This is a quarantine period, Everyone is forced to pack themselves in their houses. Now, though social media only anyone can connect with others. So, Given this time, These steps by Facebook is very appreciable and admirable. TalkJarvis hopes that you will surely get to use the new care react emoji on Facebook app and website very soon while you can welcome and enjoy the Pulsating/vibrating heart reaction right now.

Share your views about the new care and vibrating heart emoji reactions by Facebook in the comment section below. Thank You!

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