If you are starting out in Android development, then you may feel it is a daunting task. However, if you know the exact tools to use for that matter, you will not find it much difficult. There are so much information out there and so many tutorials that you and take help from apart from a large number of resources available. You will find that it is not really hard to navigate.
Just take at the list of most effective and efficient Android development resources and tools that you can use for your beneficial purposes.
There are so much information out there and so many tutorials that you and take help from apart from a large number of resources available. You will find that it is not really hard to navigate. For example, find in the Ramotion blog top mobile app development tools.
Take a look at some tools to use for Android Development
Android Editors and IDEs
IDE stands for “Integrated Development Environment.” This is the most effective piece of software that will allow you to create other software for mobile app development. IDEs are very important and contain different components, such as:
- A compiler: This actually translates the coding language that you are using into Java and
- A debugging console: This you can use through all similar graphical interfaces.
Ideally, this is the phase that requires most of your hard work. You will need to create, design, test, and polish your mobile app.

There are lots of other software and programs that you can use for this purpose, but experts will suggest you stick to Java and HTML5. No matter whichever programs you choose, make sure that you conduct market research before you make it your final choice. The other different programs and software that you can use include:
- Android Studio: This is the official IDE that is based on community created IntelliJIDEA
- Eclipse: This was the official Android development environment before Android Studio and was used to code Java, but now it can be expanded to other languages through different plugins making it a powerful tool
- IntelliJIDEA: This is what Android Studio is based on, and this IDE is extremely useful and has a large amount of community-created plugins making it a highly customizable tool
- DroidEdit: This is an Android code and text editor that you can use on Android platforms
- Android IDE: This is a complete web and Android development setting that will enable you to edit PhoneGap and Java apps
- Cordova: This is one of the best, free, and open-source tools that you can use for mobile apps that has HTML, JS, and CSS in order to create hybrid apps
- Corona: This is a 2D development platform that is 100% free but has a specific focus on games, and it can also be used to create other different types of mobile apps as well making it one of the best tools for cross-platform mobile app development
- Titanium: This is one of the lesser-known platforms, but it will allow you to create native apps for iOS, Windows Phone, and Android that will run on a single JavaScript codebase
- Xamarin: This is a free and open-source tool that uses C# language and is widely featured in the press and is one of the most impressive IDE for native iOS, Android, and Windows apps and
- CppDroid: This allows you to code, edit, compile, and execute both C and C++ code and is packed with loads of features, including different practice programs as well as unique syntax highlighting.
If you experiment with an IDE, it can be a very good way to know more about mobile app development and learn about it. However, if you want to follow a more structured and effective approach, then you must go through all the tutorials that come with each of these tools, programs, and software.
Android language resources
Apart from the tools, there are a large number of languages that you could use to develop Android apps. However, the most important of all these is Java, which is the indispensable language for app development.
There are also a few other languages, such as:
- Kotlin (pretty much java)
- Cordova for hybrid apps
- C
- C++.
However, when you use C and C++ to create Android apps, make sure that you use them with the Android Native Development Kit. This will reduce app complexity and will result in better performance.
As for the other languages and their benefits in using for Android app development, it can be said that:
- Java is always straight to the source and is the best language to use for developing in Android. It has its own development kit, along with a lot of SDKs, as well.
- Codecademy: This is one of the best premier code learning resources available online that is popular for Java coding. It also supports other frameworks and languages with its interactive and learn-as-you-code format.
- Team treehouse: This is another e-learning website that is well known for its strength in Java courses.
- Udemy: This features dozens of generic as well as highly Java learning courses.
- New Boston: This is a YouTube tutorial that will help you to learn how to develop in Android, covering everything from setting up the SDK to XLM Layouts.
- Oracle Java Tutorials: Both it is general and specialized Java tutorials designed by IT giants Oracle include the most basic concepts as well as the overview.
- Cave of Programming: This covers both Java and C++ and comes with different tests and exercises.
- Mkyong: This is more of a skilled coder for Android development and will help you to find what you are looking for.
- Java Design Patterns: This is a Github repository of Java that has unique design patterns.
Just like there are so many different language resources for Java, there are also equally large numbers of resources for C++ and C as well. A few of these language resources include:
- LearnCPP
- SoloLearn
- LUA with Corona
- Tyler Neylon
- Coenraets on Cordova
- Kotlin and lots more.
With these so many options, the best way to choose the best tool and language is to conduct thorough research and choose one according to your needs.