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Easy Methods to solve recovery pending state in SQL Server Database

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Users who are working with the SQL server database might have to face the problems with recovery pending state once because of the repetitive occurrence. 

So, to solve this kind of error this article will help to get rid off this state this article will help you to explains how to fix recovery pending state in SQL Server Database.

The database is a collection of data in a systematic way. Databases support manipulation and storage of data. Databases make easier management of data. 

Structured Query language (SQL) pronounced as “S-Q-L” or sometimes as “See-Quel” is basically the standard language for dealing with Relational Databases.

First, we have to understand all about the SQL Database states.



If one or more of its key files are in the inconsistent state, an SQL database is considered to be damaged. The database is marked with different states depending on how severe the damage is. Check the following few states:

After understanding the SQL Database States then move towards the reason behind the Recovery Pending States:

Decoding where and what causes an error as important as finding a sure-shot alternative to it. A SQL database is marked in the state of Recovery Pending when recovery is required but can not be launched. This type of scenario mainly occurs when:

  1. The database is not shut down smoothly, i.e. at least one uncommitted transaction is active when the database is shut down and the log file is deleted.
  2. A user attempted to transfer the log files to a fresh drive to solve server performance problems, but in the process, the log files were corrupted.
  3. Database recovery can not be started due to a lack of memory or disk storage.

Causes of SQL Server Recovery Pending Error?

There are two types of solution for this error :

  1. Manual Methods
  2. Alternate Method

Manual Methods

Method 1. You have to perform a  repair by running the following SQL queries:



ALTER DATABASE [D-BName] set single_user




ALTER DATABASE [DB-Name] set multi_user


  1. Emergency mode marks the database as READ ONLY and disables logging and system administrators are granted access.
  2. These steps will solve the corruption of the file and create the online database systematically.

Method 2. Mark the emergency database, detach and re-attach the primary database

  1. Execute the queries given below:


ALTER DATABASE [DB-Name] set multi_user

EXEC sp_detach_db ‘[DB-Name]’

EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @DBName = ‘[DB-Name]’, @physname = N'[mdf path]’

2. These commands will result in the server getting rid of the corrupt log and automatically building a fresh one.

Notice: You should guarantee that you have adequate backups of the database in question before starting any of these repair processes. If anything goes wrong, this is to have a failed-safe copy. Also, remember that these are extremely technical processes and if you are uncertain or do not have the adequate technical knowledge, you should not be performing them.

After discussing all the manual methods hope you will find the solution to the problem related to SQL Database.


We addressed the manual techniques of the “SQL server recovery pending” request that was most anticipated and there may be several factors that may cause an offline SQL database to go. Any DBA SQL user’s priority is to solve frequent SQL mistakes and get the database back on track as quickly as possible. 


Ashish Srivastava is a content marketer, Blogger and maintaining Social Media Optimization in CigatiSolutions. A writer by day and reader by night, He worked with various other brands and create value for them. Find him on LinkedIn here: @ashishSrivastava

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