The career in civil services is a brilliant choice by today’s youngsters of India. Why is there such heavy competition? Have you ever thought about the reasons? Probably, this blog post will clear all your doubts regarding this subject.
# Reason 1: Life-Changing Opportunity
Clearing UPSC exam can bring drastic changes to your lifestyle. You will not only get the term IAS next to your name. Just wait! You will witness the change over a period of time.
# Reason 2: Secured Job
As an independent youth, it is natural to think about job security. Here, you will have 100 percent job security. No other job field can guarantee you this kind of benefits.
# Reason 3: Powerful Designation
The civil servant post gives you legitimate power as well as authority. So, you can do good things for people and society. No other jobs bring you such a high level of authority.
# Reason 4: Good Salary Package
You are eligible to take a handful of money at the end of every month. Moreover, there will be no more delay in salary payment. It helps you to stay calm and stress-free.
# Reason 5: Fantastic Accommodation Facility
You will be given a beautiful bungalow. Enjoy the luxury! The housekeeping staff takes care of your food and other maintenance. Also, you will have government vehicles to perform official work.
#Reason 6: Own The Status
Suppose, you got an IAS posting. In turn, it increases your status among friends and relatives. The position in society is just immeasurable. You cannot imagine the respect you gain.

# Reason 7: Networking
As an IAS officer, you will be able to connect with high social status people. For instance, it can be even the prime minister of India. However, it depends on your rank.
# Reason 8: Be Proud
Absolutely! Your parents will be proud of you. Settling in life with other jobs will also make your parents feel proud. But, civil servant post is something unique and special.
# Reason 9: Academic Background is Not Considered
Many candidates hesitate to take up IAS as their dream career. They go back assuming that UPSC is the toughest exam. So, they wish not to go ahead with the decision and drop the idea.
But, many IAS toppers do not have that great academic background. It is really not necessary. All you need is the strategic study plan and consistency. Success will follow you.
Are you convinced with these nine reasons? Do you need some more? Alright! It is going to blow your mind. Suppose, you become an IAS or IFS or IRS officer in future. Make sure you use the power in the right way.
As a result, you will be remembered as the prominent leader of India. The future generation will admire your works. It becomes an amazing history. Increase the count of trusted IAS officers by taking up your career seriously.
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Make Full Use Of Your Powerful Platform
From the above paragraphs, you understood the benefits of being an IAS officer. How do you use this opportunity to serve the people? Participate in the development of welfare schemes. Implement them to improve the lives of people.
Maintain the security and integrity of the country. Do not miss out any law and order even in the emergency conditions. Restore peace during environmental crises. In addition, monitor criminal activities.
Hopefully, your decision has become still more strong! Good. Go ahead and give a try with UPSC exam. Take help from good IAS coaching institutes or online UPSC coaching. Prepare seriously and crack the exam with top rank.
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